AeroVista webinar

Webinar: AeroVista - Technical walk-through

AeroVista is a fully automated tool that uses drone inspection data of blade damages to calculate AEP loss.

In this second of two webinars we will take a deeper dive with you covering how AeroVista categorizes blade damages and how these are calculated to identify AEP loss. 


  • Why are blade damages a problem?
  • Structural vs. aerodynamic damages
  • AeroVista's aerodynamic penalty scoring
  • Process flow charts overview
  • Needed metadata input
  • Integration of AeroVista
  • AeroVista findings from analyses

Sign up link:

Please note that each webinar will be held twice to support different time zones.

👉Europe - 02:00 PM to 02:30 PM (CET), October 10, 2024. Click here.

👉US - 09:00 AM to 09:30 AM (US central time), October 10, 2024. Click here.



The webinar will be recorded and attendees will be hidden and anonymous.